Laymen in southeastern India become equipped to minister through small groups

Southern Asia Division

Laymen in southeastern India become equipped to minister through small groups

Andhra Pradesh, India | C.S. Marandi, coordinator, Small Group Ministry/ ANN staff

Local outreach shown to yield positive results for the Church’s Total Member Involvement initiative.

More than 40 delegates and laymen were encouraged to promote Total Member Involvement through local outreach projects during a training program on the campus of Metas Seventh-day Adventist secondary school (METAS) in Andhra Pradesh, India. 

During the five-day program that began November 8, delegates were welcomed by C. Murmu, executive vice-president METAS, and heard a keynote address from Alex Dang, the president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in West Jharkhand.

Bae Jinsung, director of the 1000 Missionary Movement in India, used the Biblical passage found in 1 Peter 2: 9-10 to emphasize how the delegates were chosen to show forth praises to God. He also shared how God has given laymen the charge to witness and proclaim God's message of love and salvation.

Richard Haokip, a laymen leader from the Adventist Church in Manipur, shared examples of Total Member Involvement in outreach, and how faithfulness in giving tithes and offerings made their administrative region financially self-supported. 

Near the end of the training program, each delegate was asked to turn in an action plan for small group ministry, including plans for promoting membership involvement in their local churches. Each delegate was given four Bibles and “Bible Speaks” lessons for giving Bible studies, setting the stage for multiple small groups to study and fellowship together. 

As a result of a laymen witnessing effort last year, more than 700 members from local churches celebrated Holy Communion with 129 laymen delegates and 41 newly baptized members at the Good Samaritan Adventist English School in Assam.