South America

City Hall changes Independence Parade start time to accommodate Pathfinders

The parade, which typically takes place during Sabbath hours, began after sunset to allow Pathfinder clubs in the city of Carlos Chagas to participate.

Carlos Chagas, Minas Gerais, Brazil | Carolina Inthurn

Brazilian Independence Day is celebrated on September 7. This national holiday is marked by public celebrations in small and large cities all around the country.

In Carlos Chagas, in eastern Minas Gerais, the civic parade began later than usual, just after sunset. According to the city hall, the change occurred so that regional Pathfinder clubs could participate. “We have changed in consideration for the Pathfinders Club, which does a wonderful job here,” explains Mayor Acassio Vieira. “We have changed the time to respect the Pathfinders’ religious beliefs, but we also have much for which to thank them for what they do for the children and youth of our city,” adds Deputy Mayor Hermes Ferreira.

Pathfinder members are part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which has as one of its main beliefs observance of the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, which begins weekly at sunset on Friday and extends until the same period on the following day.

In the 70 year history of civic parades in the city of Carlos Chagas, this is the first time any change has been made. “We are very happy because we know it is God's work. The club has a very strong partnership with the City Hall. When they learned that we would not go, the public sectors mobilized to change the time,” said Iusk Freitas, director of the Astros Club in the city of Carlos Chagas.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site
