
ANN Português

Episódio completo do ANN Video - 16 set., 2022

Episódio completo do ANN Video - 16 set., 2022

Em Abuja, capital da Nigéria, adventistas marcham contra a violência e abuso de poder. Ciclistas viajam por Porto Rico para arrecadar fundos para atleta de triatlo que ficou inválido. Voluntários da Maranatha constroem escolas, igrejas e fornecem água potável para mais de 200 comunidades na Índia. Essas e outras notícias você confere aqui, na ANN...

ANN Full Episode - February 02, 2018 - Portuguese

ANN Full Episode - February 02, 2018 - Portuguese

This week on ANN...the Adventist Church helps organize a United Nations symposium on the human rights of migrants and refugees. ...Adventists in Northern Ireland join faith communities in honoring International Holocaust Remembrance Day. ...and...the Church's humanitarian arm launches a hygienic campaign and distribution in response to Zambia's cholera crisis. These stories and more coming up.

ANN Full Episode - January 26, 2018 - Portuguese

ANN Full Episode - January 26, 2018 - Portuguese

This week on ANN...U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit rules in favor of former Employees of Kellogg USA. The two lost their jobs when they were assessed of missing too many shifts due to their Sabbath observance. ...As immigration policy takes center stage in the United States, the Church's North American territory issues a statement emphasizing the importance of equality for all. ...and...another Sabbath observance case is tried. This time in the Philippines Supreme Court. The landmark decision helps raise awareness of the Seventh-day Sabbath in the nation. These stories and more coming up.

ANN Full Episode - January 19, 2018 - Portuguese

ANN Full Episode - January 19, 2018 - Portuguese

This week on ANN...a new criminal code in Bolivia may result in religious liberty restrictions. Adventist leaders petition for prayer and support. ...the Church encourages members to reflect on the fundamental human right of freedom of conscience on Religious Liberty Sabbath. ...and...doctors of Loma Linda University Health establish Malawi's first physician-run treatment programs for epilepsy. These stories and more coming up.

ANN Full Episode - January 12, 2018 - Portuguese

ANN Full Episode - January 12, 2018 - Portuguese

This week on ANN...the president of the Adventist Church encourages members to move confidently with God in the new year....humanitarians deliver food in 2 regions of the Philippines that experienced powerful back-to-back Typhoons. ...and...volunteers provide more than 40-million dollars worth of free medical services during a mega health clinic in the U.S. state of Arizona. These stories and more coming up.

ANN Full Episode - January 05, 2018 - Portuguese

ANN Full Episode - January 05, 2018 - Portuguese

This week on ANN... we're kicking of 2018 with a sneak peek into upcoming projects from the headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. ...no, it's not just a new logo, we're rolling out a new visual identity system for the worldwide Adventist community....and communicators, media enthusiasts and  technology experts can start saving to attend GAiN 2018 in Seoul, Korea. These stories and more coming up.

ANN Full Episode - December 22, 2017 - Portuguese

ANN Full Episode - December 22, 2017 - Portuguese

This week on ANN...a law in the Argentinian province of Salta requiring Catholic teachings in public schools is declared unconstitutional. Adventist religious liberty leaders in the nation applaud the ruling. ...a roundtable discussion organized by an Adventist leader yields proposed amendments to a counter-terrorism law that has religious freedom implications. ...and...a project run by volunteers from Romania who serve refugees in Greece and Iraq is recognized by an international humanitarian gala. These stories and more coming up.

ANN Full Episode - December 29, 2017 - Portuguese

ANN Full Episode - December 29, 2017 - Portuguese

This week on ANN...we're celebrating Christmas by highlighting acts of service. ...see the testimony of a volunteer who served at the Keep Girls Safe shelter in Thailand. ...and...the president of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency rolls up his sleeves to help Rohingya refugees living in Bangladesh. These stories and more coming up.

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