
Baptisms Across Papua New Guinea Mark First Week of Evangelistic Meetings

Baptisms Across Papua New Guinea Mark First Week of Evangelistic Meetings

Ceremonies in multiple sites welcome hundreds of new believers, leaders reported.

Avondale University Seminarians Participate in Massive Evangelistic Drive in Papua New Guinea

Avondale University Seminarians Participate in Massive Evangelistic Drive in Papua New Guinea

Joining forces with 200 other Adventist preachers, nine seminarians from Avondale University help lead hundreds across PNGs rugged terrains to Jesus.

ADRA Solidarity Truck Arrives in New Brazilian City Offering Aid

ADRA Solidarity Truck Arrives in New Brazilian City Offering Aid

In the last eight years, the solidarity truck has delivered 178,294 hot meals and washed 191 tons of clothes, as it has passed through dozens of Brazilian cities, responding to the country's main emergencies.

Loma Linda University Health and Lifepoint Rehabilitation Announce Partnership to Build New Rehabilitation Facility

Loma Linda University Health and Lifepoint Rehabilitation Announce Partnership to Build New Rehabilitation Facility

he new, free-standing, 80-bed facility will help to meet a growing community need for specialized rehabilitation services, nearly doubling the health system’s capacity for inpatient rehabilitation care.

Adventist Media Entities in Southern Asia-Pacific Region Urged to Implement Brand Alignment

Adventist Media Entities in Southern Asia-Pacific Region Urged to Implement Brand Alignment

The goal is to effectively communicate the gospel, both within and beyond the church, aligning the message with the needs and sensibilities of its audience while remaining faithful to the Bible.

Loma Linda University's Children’s Hospital named among America's Best Maternity Hospitals 2024 by Newsweek

Loma Linda University's Children’s Hospital named among America's Best Maternity Hospitals 2024 by Newsweek

The hospital provides comprehensive labor and delivery services with a delivery rate exceeding 4,000 babies each year.

Father and Son Rescue Nearly 300 People with Family Boat in Brazilian City

Father and Son Rescue Nearly 300 People with Family Boat in Brazilian City

Since May 3, 2024, Juarez and Dionatan, his son, have been removing people and animals from the floods in Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

The Adventist Church in Albania Celebrates 32nd Anniversary

The Adventist Church in Albania Celebrates 32nd Anniversary

To mark the anniversary, the church in the region released a specially composed song and a book.

Father-Daughter Banquet Strengthens Family Bonds Amidst Singapore's Demographic Challenges

Father-Daughter Banquet Strengthens Family Bonds Amidst Singapore's Demographic Challenges

Research shows that a father’s love and involvement in his daughter’s life deeply influences her development.

Andrews University Becomes a Hispanic Serving Institution

Andrews University Becomes a Hispanic Serving Institution

Currently, Andrews University is the first and only school in the state of Michigan, United States, to receive such designation.


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