A festival of family and kindness was held in Pavlodar "Well Mom!"

Euro-Asia Division

A festival of family and kindness was held in Pavlodar "Well Mom!"

Pavlodar, Kazakhstan | Anastasia Minina

Festival honored and drew attention to the responsibility of Christian mothers in the spiritual upbringing of children.

On February 3, in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan, the Adventist Church’s Children’s Ministries department in the region held a service filled with heartfelt kindness and an atmosphere of a warm family hearth. The festival, called  "Come on, Mom!" was held  to honor the Christian mother and celebrate the importance, and responsibility, of the mother in the spiritual upbringing of children.

Four mothers and four families took part in the festival and shared their experience with pleasure.

The first section of the festival was called "Thank God for the gift of motherhood.” During this time, mothers told about their joys and experiences. There were presentations that included photographs, poems, and stories from their own lives that were related to their children.

The second task, "Praise God, glorify together!" was creative. In it, families presented scenes from life with deep spiritual meaning, each family performed a song for the glory of God.

In the next, even more interesting section, was entitled "Hello, Saturday!" The women shared their maternal experience of how to make a Sabbath meeting or family worship interesting and exciting for children. The topics included new ways to learn the memory verse together, as a family, how to easily remember the location of books in the Bible, to tell the children spiritual history and to make biblical riddles.

During the last section "Do good!" the children told how they helped their neighbors. The families shared how good it is when children learn from early childhood to empathize with someone else's grief and provide assistance to those who are in need!

At the end of the festival a local pastor offered prayer for the families. At the beginning of the program, everyone who came had the opportunity to write down names of families, relatives and friends they want to remember in prayer.

“The king upon his throne has no higher work than has the mother. The mother is queen of her household. She has in her power the molding of her children's characters, that they may be fitted for the higher, immortal life." The Adventist Home," page 231, Ellen G. White