Revival of Youth Ministries in Mongolia

Northern Asia-Pacific Division

Revival of Youth Ministries in Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | Kim NakHyung, youth director, Northern Asia-Pacific Division/ANN Staff

Church leaders encourage young people to be used by God and follow the example of hero's in the Bible.

Changes recently took place in youth ministries after Munkh-Orgil Lkhagvaa was appointed youth ministries director of the Adventist Church in Mongolia. Mongolia is in the northernmost part of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division. The youth leadership in Mongolia had been vacant for more than a year.

Lkhagvaa invited Kim NakHyung, director of youth ministries for the Adventist Church in the Northern Asia-Pacific territory, for an intense “youth ministry advisory.” The goal was to develop an overall plan for Mongolian youth ministries. In this meeting, they came up with a new vision for world mission through youth ministries.

In addition, Kim YoHan, president of the church in Mongolia and Lkhagvaa held an Adventist Youth Conference for the youth leaders who are scattered throughout Mongolia. More than 200 youth leaders, Adventist Youth members and Pathfinders gathered at Ulaanbaatar Central Church last month. Under the leadership of a new youth director, participants had time to praise, pray, and be united.

Programs included praise and worship, drill and marching presentations, and testimonies that inspired the hearts of all participants. In his sermon, NakHyung emphasized Total Member Involvement and urged Mongolian youth to be a good influence in their community. Additionally, he appealed to them with the theme of the conference, “Use Me, Lord,” that Adventist youth living in the last days should live like heroes in the Bible, e.g. Daniel or Joseph, who lived by faithfulness regardless of their circumstances.

Lkhagvaa had a brief awards ceremony for the youth leaders who have been exemplary in youth ministries and the leaders who have been dedicated to the Pathfinder ministry. YoHan encouraged youth leaders to establish at least three special churches—a Pathfinder Church, a Youth Church, and a Health Church—during the next few years.

It is not an exaggeration to say the Adventist church in Mongolia is made up of youth. In comparison to other countries in the Northern Asia-Pacific territory, there is a higher ratio of young people in the church to the whole population. May the Holy Spirit be with them so that they can spread the gospel throughout the vast land of Mongolia.